I need more sleep

I need more sleep

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Our little ladies

We lost one of chickens today:(

Yesterday was not a good day. Sadly we lost another one of our ladies. Chickens are one of best pets that we have. They are awesome just to follow around and just look at. Not only do they walk funny but for some odd reason you can't take your eyes away when they are busy doing their chicken thing.
A couple of months ago we had lost a lady as well. We use to let them sit on top of their chicken coop to sleep in the breeze, well until an owl took one. It just broke our hearts. :( So we went off to find more chickens; so the one chicken we had left wouldn't be lonely. (Apparently their social like things and need a buddy at all times) So thats when we bought 2 more ladies and one lovely special one. She was bright yellow, and so so fluffy! She stuck out like a sore thumb next to the other Rhode Island Reds, which are a reddish brown chicken. But Yesterday we Lost her, and it was so sad. Not only because we loved her but because my oldest Joshua (12yrs) found her. 

      We don't know what got her or when, but it was during the day time. The crazy part was, we were home and I didnt hear anything. Darn sound proof walls.
And I assume it had to be a land animal and not a bird this time, because I can see a trail of feathers
where there could of been a chase. But I am happy what ever it was didnt go after my other
So now they are in a space thats smaller then the are use too. Sad to say! But its for their
own safety and only until me and my husband can find a way to make the gated area
safe from them again. 

But on a better not, I have loaded some pictures of my two boys playing with our chickens 
This one is my son Joshua sporting Pink, and my young one chasing
the other ones around. 

This one is my son Isaac who's 3 doing his best to hold a chicken. And yes
I know he is 3 and wearing a diaper, but it was laundry day. lol I didnt have anything 
left for him to wear, beside run around naked lol. 

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