I finally figured out how to put Pinterest Feed up on my blog. I'm excited, because I have been wanting it on my blog. I'm no computer nut, but I wish I was! This site made it almost dummy proof, which is my kind of site. Best of all its free.
The website is : http://business.pinterest.com/en/widget-builder#do_embed_pin
The website will bring up this page. You get to choose which widget is best for your blog. on the Right side of the pic above.
From there go to Custom Size: to see what size you would like. Whats great after you pic you can scroll down and see their example. Give it a second to load.
This picture is a pic of the example it will give you. So you have a chance to play around with the kind of Pin Widget and then Size before posting it up on your blog. This came out very handy.
After you have picked your selection, go to your Pinterest personal page and copy your URL address and paste it in the Highlighted Blue box that I have shown above. Your box will not be highlighted. I did It to show you where to plug it in. On the bottom it will as copy their html link for your blog. Copy and paste it to your blog under your layout and
Your done!!
So You have figured out how to get the information, but how to put into your blog. Your in luck :D I have a quick snapshots I took on how to do it. I hope this helps.
So where we last left off, you have the code and not sure where to paste it.
When you go to your blog, go to overview and scroll down to your left side till you see Layout. I have it high lightened in gray so you can see it. Well kind of, I might of should of picked a brighter color.
This is what should pop up. And on the right side you see in BLUE letters that say "Add a Gadget". Click on that and another window will pop out.
After you push "Add A Gadget", this window will pop up. Not as big, but I blew it up for this purpose. I have highlighted in Blue what to push next. Its around the 7th one down. Click on "HTML/JavaScript" and of course that will bring up another window.
This is the next window that will pop up. You can title it if you like, then on the big box plug in that copy and paste from the previous website. Push Save! And now your rockin' with gold! You have just plugged in your Pinterest feed to you blog!!!